Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Airsoft Equipment

Andrew made us these amazing flags for Capture the Flag.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Battle Stage
This stage contains two large fields with forests all around the edges along with one dry creek that's just perfect for cover.

Forest Stage
This forest is perfect for playing airsoft. One side has hardly any brush, complete with a beautiful trench right through the center. While the other side has thick brush with tons of places to surprise your enemies.

Trench Run
True to its name, this stage is just one long race to the finish. Do you have what it takes to beat the clock and more than half of the other players?

Airsoft Rules


You must have eye protection (a face mask is even better)

You must have a signed waiver with you

If you don’t have some of the equipment recommended, then please contact Colin McCluskey, Daniel or Michael Strautmann.


Jeans with a jean jacket of some sort (the jacket is very handy for keeping airsoft bbs and other items in (it will also help to protect you).

Airsoft gun with at least 200 fps.

Airsoft bbs that work for your gun.


Keep your eye protection on at all times:
We don’t want anyone losing an eye because they were too lazy to keep their protection on.

Keep inside the designated area of play:
We don’t want anyone getting a game to take an hour because we can’t find any of the players.

No climbing:
We don't want players getting shot out of a tree.

Getting shot:
If you are hit by a bb you must yell “HIT!” and then go to the designated dead spot.
You are not “dead” if the following results occur:
Being hit in the neck or anywhere above the neck.
Your gun gets hit.
You are healed by the decided on medic for your team

Keep your distance:
When firing at opponents, please try to keep at least 20 feet away from the player. If your gun is stronger than 200 fps you may be required to keep even further away.

No head shots:
If you hit other players in the head, it does NOT count as a hit. Everyone will throw stones at you and if you continue to shoot people in the head on purpose, you can be voted out of the game.

No bad language, rude gestures or physical action:
If someone is seriously ticking you off, please don’t attempt to cuss, punch, or hurt the player in anyway. If a player is bothering you, please let Colin McCluskey know as soon as possible. They may then be subject to a voted ban.

Ways to get banned from playing:
If you disobey any of the following rules, you are subject to a voted ban.

Shooting someone in the neck or head on purpose.
Shooting someone over and over when the player is obviously “dead”.
Continue shooting and playing when you have already been hit.
Using bad language, rude gestures or physical action against the other players.
Shooting animals or vehicles.
Shooting someone when they don’t have face protection on.

You will be banned immediately if you shoot someone point blank.